Manny Being Manny Part Two?

It is possible that Manny Ramirez could hit waiver wires within the next week as the Los Angeles Dodgers look to move one of the best right handed hitters of our time. Although Manny is older and the risks seem to outweigh the rewards at this point of the season and in his career, there are teams out there that may take a chance on him in hopes that he can add some extra pop to their offense. For all of the negative that has come across Manny since his forced exit from Boston, he has shown that he can still be productive when healthy and committed to the cause. There has been talk and speculation that a team may put a claim on Manny just to block him from potentially winding up on other teams that may be able to use his bat. Teams that put a claim run the risk that the Dodgers will take the option of letting Manny go simply to save on the money left on his contract for this season. The Dodgers also have the option of trying to work out a trade to the team that has traded him and they also can simply pull him back off of waivers and keep him for the rest of the season. Should Manny clear through waivers, any team would be free to negotiate a trade with the Dodgers.
The question is this: Should the Red Sox run the risk of inheriting the Manny being Manny experience once again and put a claim on him once he hits waivers? In my opinion, the rewards will outweigh the risks for bringing Manny into the fold. The Red Sox currently sit five and a half games behind the Yankees and the Rays for the American League East and Wild Card spots in the playoffs. The Tampa Bay Rays are one of the teams that reportedly would have interest in Ramirez as a much needed right handed power bat to add to their lineup. If the Sox were to put the waiver claim on, they would keep the Rays from easily getting their hands on him. Their best case scenario is to put in the claim and have the Dodgers pull Manny back. They may wind up with Manny, but that may not be so bad either. He has proven that he can hit in Fenway Park, and it is possible that the Red Sox will have a hole in Manny’s old left field spot in the outfield for the rest of the season. Although he isn’t the relief help that they team so desperately needs, he can be the cleanup hitter that the team has been lacking since Kevin Youkilis was lost for the rest of the season. The Red Sox need to get hot in a hurry in order to make the playoffs, and they may need to slug their way to some victories. Manny could certainly help them with that, and he is a far better alternative to Darnell McDonald and Daniel Nava. No disrespect intended to either of those gentleman, but Manny’s resume far outlasts the two of these players put together. Furthermore, Manny has proven that he loves the big stage and in theory he should be on his best behavior since he will be looking for a new contract next season. The benefit of having a batting lineup that will now be somewhat circular with Manny in it would be reason enough for me to take the risk. Although there would be a major financial commitment, the added revenues from potential playoff games would be enough to offset his salary commitment. If the Red Sox truly do want to make the playoffs, Manny may be the closest thing to a positive move that the team can make. Bullpen arms do not seem to be going anywhere and the team does not really have any other major holes. If I am in the office with Theo, I’m telling him to go ahead and pull the trigger on this one.


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